Every morning between the hours of 5 and 11 the Noumea morning market comes to life. Located near centerville (Noumea's "downtown"), the market consists of 5 polygon shaped huts filled with farmers, vendors, locals, tourists, and of course, mounds and mounds of colorful produce. Much of the fruit and vegitables found at the market were hand picked the day before, sometimes even that morning, so fressness is almost guarenteed.
Among the most populous produce lies carrotts, bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, and of course yams, the staple vegitable in New Caledonia which has been farmed for hundreds of years. A little apart from the market huts with the produce lies the fresh fish market. Many different fish of various colours and sizes, all of them freaking us out a little! Must get a local recipe book!
The band outside the Market on Sunday

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